Category: Furniture & Décor
Warm Metals and Matte Black

Some things just naturally go together: Peanut butter and jelly. Moonlight and kisses. Kardashians and cameras. Another enduring combination is matte black and warm metals. Used together, they add instant glamor to any room, thanks to their yin-and-yang union of light absorption and lustrous reflection, recessive cool and earthy heat. And unlike a Kardashian union,.....
Elmira Stove Works and Danby Team-Up for Ukraine

Elmira Stove Works, the leading manufacturer of premium vintage-style appliances and woodburning cookstoves, has selected two boldly saturated hues for its inaugural Color(s) of the Year – the distinctive Blue and Yellow of the Ukrainian flag. Elmira’s decision to choose Blue and Yellow went beyond color. When Elmira found itself in the midst of a.....
Learning from a Master: How Kathy Ireland® would decorate your house for the holidays

Kathy Ireland® Once Upon a Christmas Holidays offer countless entertaining possibilities and a chance to bring family and friends into our homes. We want them to look their best. But such gatherings also present challenges. Do we have enough comfortable seating, have we made the house look joyous and festive, are we on-trend with colors,.....
Paint: The Easiest Decorating Tool

Painting your home is necessary, and a good investment. But who to hire? Recommendations are useful, but what your close pal or neighbor deems a good painting job compared to your expectations may be vastly different. And then there’s the challenge of getting the painter to show up on time, to do the necessary prep.....
Railings With Stylish Panel Infill Bring Nature Home

Here’s an innovative interior décor product for your home — DesignRail® Panel Infill by Feeney. These artistic railings include laser-cut aluminum panels along with resin panels embedded with organic materials like grasses, leaves and branches, providing statement-making stairways and landings that tie-in harmoniously with other interior elements. The trend-forward railings with panel infill stylishly complement.....
Pantone’s 2021 Selection, Ultimate Gray and Illuminating Color

2021 is a time for new beginnings and enlightenment. For more than 20 years, Pantone has been selecting the color of the year using trend analysis across many different platforms; including entertainment, travel and fashion. For 2021, Pantone decided on two colors that showcase how diverse elements can come together to support one another. The.....