Help Protect Your Home and Family

Carbon Monoxide Detection
This odorless, colorless, almost undetectable gas is one of the most deadly toxins that can enter your home—and most likely, it’s already there. Carbon Monoxide (CO) is produced through improper combustion when burning fuels, and it’s emitted each time you use common household appliances. From dryers, gas water heaters, and space heaters to grills, wood burning stoves, and fireplaces, CO can be created with each use. Read More...
The cleaner you keep your appliances, the better for the quality of your air, however, if you neglect to maintain them, harmful residues can build up and release large amounts of CO when fuel is burned, putting you and your family in danger. The best way to help protect your home from harmful CO emissions is to install multiple detectors. There are several options and different routes you can take, which is why it’s important to know what you’re looking for, what you need protection against, and the best way to get the protection you need. ADT professionals can even help you sync your detectors with your home security system to create a seamless monitoring system that’s easy to use, while protecting you and your family against CO and other household harm. The more you know, the easier it will be to detect and protect you and your family from this harmful gas.

Burglary and Crime
Being a homeowner is an exciting and joyous experience. You and your family have a space to call your own, you can decorate it exactly how you’d like, and over the years, it will be filled with family, friends, and celebrations. However, criminals don’t see your home this way, they see it as a target, and without the proper security system or the knowledge on how to help prevent residential crime, you and your family could be potential victims. Read More...
Security systems are the obvious method to combat criminal activity, however, there are other things you and your family should know and be aware of when it comes to burglary and crime. From how to leave your home when you’re on vacation to different devices and appliances that can help keep your home safer, there are an abundance of precautions you can take to ensure your home is as protected as possible. Beyond knowing what products and systems are out there to keep your family safe, it’s important to understand why and how your home is more of a target than others and the simple tactics you can use to make your property less appealing to criminals and thieves—and ADT home security professionals can help.

Alarm Monitoring (Provided by ADT)
No matter if you live in a house, an apartment, a condo—even an RV—it’s your home, and it’s where you and your family spend time together, which makes it incredibly valuable. You work hard to make sure your family is comfortable and happy, but most importantly, you work to ensure they are safe. Home alarm monitoring systems can help make this crucial task a little easier through streamlined systems powered by dependable technology and dedicated staff. Read More...
Your alarms are programmed to do more than sound loud noises to scare intruders, they’re capable of alerting you and a team of skilled professionals as soon as a breach of your system is detected. Additionally, as technology has become more and more advanced, so too does the capabilities of alarm monitoring systems. Depending on your needs and budget, you can infuse video monitoring, text alerts, and even control your entire home security system from one, easy-to-use control panel. Whether you’d like to start small and build up or go straight into the most advanced system on the market today, you can trust that skilled installers will be able to get you and your family the protection you’re looking for at the cost you can afford. Each family is unique, and there’s an alarm monitoring system out there that’s perfect for your needs.

Home Safety Tips
Whether you own or rent your home, it’s still your home. You wake up there, fall asleep there, host parties, holidays, and cuddle up with a good book there. It’s special, and we want to keep it that way, which is why creating a safe zone around your home, wherever it may be, is important. Home security systems are the best way to protect what you care about: property, belongings, and of course, your family. But beyond installing a security system, which will alert you of intruders, Read More...
accidents, or any other breach of your system, you should be aware of the little things. For example, where you store household cleaners is a small detail that can have a large impact. Many cleaners are full of harmful chemicals, and if kept too close to heat, such as your stove or oven, they can create a big, toxic mess. In addition, baby-proofing your home, childproofing it, and knowing how to make it secure when you go out of town are all ways to ensure you’re being as safe as possible when it comes to protecting what matters. And although you may have many great ideas in place for how to keep your home safe, you should always reach out to an ADT professional for tips and advice on how to protect your property and your family.

Fire Detection and Safety
We all know accidents happen, but when it comes to fire, this can be an expensive, destructive, and often times, painful experience. And while you can’t always predict when an accident will occur, there are many precautions you can take to ensure if one does, you’ll be the first to know. When it comes to fire, you have several ways to protect your home, belongings, and most importantly, your family. From installing home security systems equipped with alerting you Read More...
when a fire springs up to simple smoke detectors, there are an array of devices and alarms that can contribute to your protection. It’s beyond important to have smoke detectors, at the very least, in your home, however, it’s also important to know how house fires start, common applicants and electronics that can cause fires if left unattended or uncleaned, and what the proper response is if a fire ever does erupt in your home while you and your family are present. Talking to fire safety professionals, or your trusted ADT installer, can help you figure out the best escape route in your home, basic knowledge about what to do if a fire ignites, and how you can do your best to prevent blazes before they begin.

Home Automation
Robots in the home, self-cleaning kitchens, smart homes—fifty years ago, these were daydreams and the makings of futuristic stories. Today, they are reality and are available to almost everyone. When it comes to making your home a smart home, there are a million and one things you can do to make home life a little easier. From simply buying light bulbs that can be controlled from your phone to installing a complete home automation system, where everything from Read More...
your blinds to your doors to your heating and cooling can be controlled from one main panel, creating your smart home can help save you time, energy, and money. Many times, we forget to turn off the bathroom light in the morning, leaving it on all day. We may leave the air running while we’re at work, or turn the heat up too high, leading to high energy bills. But with home automation, these annoyances can be eliminated through a quick press of a button or swipe of a screen. Not only do home automation systems make life easier, they help make it safer. With the technology of today, you can sync your home security system with your home automation system, making access to your monitors and detectors immediate, keeping you and your family safe.