You may have confidence in your appliances and home systems, or in the extra coverage you obtained through extended warranty plans, but how about those gas, electric, water and sewer lines that run from your house to the city or town utility lines?
When on-property lines fail, it can be a huge nuisance and costly repair.
Imagine having your front or back lawn dug up, or worse, your patio jack-hammered and removed to reach a damaged line.
Until now there weren’t many options. That’s why The Home Service Club, a national organization that offers numerous home warranty plans for items such as appliances and home systems like HVAC, recently launched an option that covers exterior home utility lines with one $19.95 monthly fee (an exception for now, houses in California, but that may soon change).
And equally appealing is that there’s no age criteria for any of these lines, though an important caveat is that all have to be in good working order when the policy becomes effective. "You can’t sign up with a broken line, hoping that it will be covered. That represents a repair," says Dmitriy Krupin, Senior Vice President with The Home Service Club. In addition, it’s the line that’s covered – in example for a sprinkler – not the sprinkler itself, Krupin says.
For more information on home warranty options, or to request a quote, visit: www.hscwarranty.com